Sara Baca

My name is Sara Baca and I am a senior at St. Michael's High School. This is my web page for my Computer Science class taught by Mr. Salazar. My hobbies include playing basketball and fighting with Mikey! I have approximately 3 more weeks till I am out of this school and then I can move on! I am planning on attending and playing basketball at St. Edward's University in Austin, Texas. In this computer science class we are learing how to work with computers. We also learn mad definitions and do a lot of hands on sort of stuff. I am glad that we do hands on stuff because it is a lot better than sitting in a desk and writing like no other. I have a lot of fun in this class because I have Mikey, Brady, and Joe. These three guys are three of my closest friends. I also have DaniSand in this class. DaniSand was one of our BBall managers this year and is probably one of the coolest girls I know. We do a lot of work in this class, but it doesn't feel like it because it is all either in group work or using the computers. It is not like the work we do at all in our Calc class! In the beginning of this semester we learned what a computer is and the 3 parts to computing. A computer is something that works with and interprets data and provides an output. The three parts to computing are the input, process, and output. We also learned the 4 kinds of computers. They are the super computer, the mini computer, the mainframe computer, and the micro computer. The super computer is highly advanced, expensive, and it does serious number crunching. The mini computers would be things like calculators, or PDA's. The main frame computers do not exist anymore, all computing occured in 1 central location, communication was a huge problem, and it delt with dumb terminals. The micro computers, also known as PCs, are what most people have today and now they are very powerful computers. There are two types of micro computers, the laptop or notebook, which are portable and then there is the desktop which are used in workstations. Continue to look through this site to get more information about what we learned in the computer science class this year.

6 Elements of Computers

Theory Of Computing

All About Me

Open Source


Operating Systems

My Glossary

Sara Baca's Homepage

Created by Sara Baca